
Submit Wallpapers!

Welcome! To The Baltana community which brings together content creators and their fans.

For Content Creators

Creators can promote their portfolio by adding their website link to the upload form and we will add that link in your wallpaper submissions. We offer a wonderful discovery platform, and incredibly easy methods where creators engage with our loyal visitors, and you can get traffic to your website via .

Just starting to experiment with art? We fully support beginning artists, and those who make derivative work.

Freely share links to your portfolios, where people can purchase your work, or anything else you want to promote.

For Content Fans

We fully support fan's wallpaper submissions. We have a huge community dedicated to discovering the best new wallpapers, and the people who create them.

Baltana is a Home To 52980+ Wallpapers

Incredibly well organized content, clear standards, and a fully featured website that is built exclusively for community.

Agree To Our Copyright Policy & Rules

We love it when you share your art and wallpapers, but we need everyone to be careful to not violate the copyright of others.

Images that are OK to upload

Images That Require Permission

In the two above scenarios, you must obtain permission from the copyright holder of the image in order to post it.

Some common licenses and what to do:

Our Infraction Policy

Submission Rules

You agree not to post User Content that:

Baltana reserves the right, but is not obligated, to remove any User Content for any reason or for no reason, including User Content that Baltana believes violates this Acceptable Use Policy or its Terms of Service. Baltana may also permanently or temporarily terminate or suspend a User account without notice and liability for any reason, including if, in Baltana's sole determination, a User violates any provision of this Acceptable Use Policy, our Terms of Service, or for no reason.

Imagine your photos, illustrations and wallpapers on the devices of people around the world!

Use the below link to upload wallpapers.

Upload Wallpapers